Dr. Wong: What do you know about the new acting chief?
Mags: He did his residency at Memorial back in '05 under Bishop, um joined specialty in ED ICU I believe, then went overseas, got back, and he's been an attending in our ICU for about a month. Works mostly nights.

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Transplant Season 2 Episode 1: "Guardrail"
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Transplant Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Dr. Novak: Protocol what be to leave the shrapnel in place until she got into surgery.
Bash: Protocol would have killed her.
Dr. Novak: Well, I disagree then. It was a ballsy move that may have saved her life, but you still damaged her airway when you blew up the balloon, and that's not gonna be good. What is your name Dr.?
Bash: Bashir Hamed.
Dr. Novak: Why don't you get her cleaned up, Dr. Bashir Hamed, and I'll let the surgeons tell us what the damage is?
Bash: I'm sorry, but who are you?
Dr. Novak: Mark Novak. I'm the acting chief of this emergency department.

Bash: So what's going to happen now? With Dr. Bishop out?
Mags: Well the board appoints an acting chief until they know his status. If they're smart it's Atwater. If they're stupid ...
Bash: Everything changes.