Biographer: To be the most notorious slave catcher, one would think you'd have caught the most notorious runaway.
Patty: Harriet Tubman. That's not a question.
Biographer: Fair enough, I suppose my question is, why shouldn't I be writing the book about her?

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Underground Season 2 Episode 2: "Things Unsaid"
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Underground Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Rosalee, right now you have to focus on your family. Elizabeth is going to need you.


Daniel's Wife: Did you just...?
Daniel: I been teaching myself to read. Writing is just describing the sounds that the words make.
Daniel's Wife: What does it say?
Daniel: It says how I feel about you. It says why I taught myself to do this. [Holds up paper] It says, love.
Daniel's Wife:It's amazing. I want to keep it forever. [Rips up paper] But this could get us killed.