Pope: You hid the money from us. It's your fault it was stolen.
Smurf: It's my fault that Baz stole the money?
Pope: He wouldn't have to steal it if you would have split it with us in the first place.
Smurf: I was keeping it safe.
Pope: Excellent job with that, by the way.

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Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 9: "Libertad"
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Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes, Animal Kingdom Quotes
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Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Lucy: Pope! Smurf's out. She's going to say I killed Baz, and I took her money and come after. You can't expect me to sit back and do nothing.
Pope: I'll deal with it.
Lucy: If you don't, I will.

What I said to you the last time at the jail? I was under a lot of pressure.