Everything I do. I do to protect you, Beck. Peach, Benji, they left me no choice. They were dangerous. I think you might be in danger again, but I need absolute truth first. In these days, the quickest way to find a man's truth is through his computer, and if I find what I'm looking for, Dr. Nicky will be handled.

Joe Voiceover

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YOU Season 1 Episode 7: "Everythingship"
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YOU Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

I always had trouble with that kind of thing; the whole good guy versus bad boy bit.


Joe: That month after the funeral it was intimate -- real. It just made us more. But then over the next few weeks, something happened. Couldn't tell you the exact point things went wrong between us, but wrong they have gone.
Nicky: So that's why you're here in therapy? You're trying to figure out why your relationship went south?
Joe: Oh, it didn't just go south. It's over, and I want to know why.