Drama: Every girl I've given a ticket to has been at least an 8.
Eric: What do you rate Drama? I'm just curious.
Drama: Blow me, E

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Johnny "Drama" Chase, Eric "E" Murphy
Entourage Season 3 Episode 1: "Aquamom"
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Johnny "Drama" Chase Quotes, Eric "E" Murphy Quotes, Entourage Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes, Entourage Quotes
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Entourage Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

James Woods: You got five seconds to give me my fucking tickets! Five!
Drama: Or what? You're gonna huff and puff and blow the house down?
James Woods: How bout I'm gonna knock this fucking door down and come in there and shove your head up Turtle's ass! Give me my fucking tickets! You got five seconds! Five!

Ari: You pick up my suit from the tailor?
Mrs. Ari: I'm going to the fucking tailor, Ari. To pick up the new fucking $5,000 suit that I fucking paid for!