Oh, well, by the way there's a half naked girl at the back seat of your car. I just thought you'd like to know that.

What are you doing? Putting on your makeup? Get into the gym and start warming up. Jagielski, when you find the pumps to match your skirt, you might get into the gym, too.


Whitey: You're gonna be okay.
Lucas: Yeah, I am.

There's no shame in being afraid. Hell, we're all afraid. What you gotta do is figure out what you're afraid of because when you put a face on it, you can beat it. Better yet, you can use it.


Dan: Nathan. Remember, 20 shots, no less.
Nathan: Got it, Dad.
Coach Durham: Quit yakking and warm up.

Dan: You're despicable, you know that? Letting the dreams of this team just vanish. You're full of crap.
Coach Durham: It comes with old age, Danny: constipation.

One Tree Hill Quotes

Haley: Oh, the magazine pages are sticking again, you little pervert. Oh hey Luke. You've been reading this?
Lucas: I don't know, Haley. Is that the 'why do i hang out with these people?' issue, because you're on the cover of that, right?
Haley: No, actually it's the 'my best friend is an idiot' issue and there you are!

No foul, basket counts. Besides, you won't score again.
