Danny Williams: I thought nobody wore a tie in Hawaii.
Steve McGarrett: No, they don't, but it's a special day, so I thought I'd wear one. Plus, I'm wearing my dress blues. They'll make me walk the plank if I don't wear a tie with my dress blues.
Danny Williams: Why do they call 'em blues if they're black?
Steve McGarrett: I know they're black! I never...I dunno.

Amy Davidson: You don't get it, this is complicated.
Steve McGarrett: Then speak slowly.

Steve McGarrett: What's the congressman's position on dead hookers found in his bed?
Danny Williams: STRANGLED dead hookers?

Danny Williams: You hear that?
Steve McGarrett: Yeah, Danny. I hear it. I've got ears.

Steve: The kid's a smartass.
Catherine: Takes one to know one.

Steve: Sitting on the couch with a pizza watching Miracle on 34th Street is not a plan.
Danny: Christmas with the McGarrett's is something you can miss.
Steve: That's right.
Danny: I'm just curious, what do you do? Give out subscriptions to Guns and Ammo, grenades as stocking stuffers?

Steve: I like this kid.
Catherine: Of course you do, he's you at 13.

Steve: How's your arm?
Danny: It also hates camping.

Steve: I'm going to teach these how to kill and gut a pig tonight Danny.
Danny: That's actually a horror film.

Danny: What are the odds I get her phone number?
Steve: Zero.
Danny: Ah.

You're going to get your wish Cordova. You're going to die, but you're going to die in prison.

Cordova: Do it. I'm dying anyway. There's nobody here. Nobody will ever know what went down. Call it self-defense.
Steve: There is no way I'm going to make it that easy for you.
Cordova: It's like this or I go out the slow way. I'm tired of that option. So you pull the trigger or I will.

Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

Danny: We shouldn't be doing this without backup.
Steve: You are the backup.
Danny: I am the backup. I hate him so much.

McGarrett: Tell me you know how to swim.
Danny: I know how to swim. I swim for survival, not for fun.