Joey: You tryin' to get be killed?
Stabler: We're trying to get you clean.

Trish: Want to tell me what that was about?
Bell: An interrogation.
Trash: My interrogation that you hijacked.

Bell: Is that Stabler selling honey?
Vargas: That's more than honey if you know what to ask for. At least we know Stabler's safe.

Bell: I'm gonna need you to tell me where those drugs really came from.
Stabler: My brother. He may have a problem.
Bell: I'm sorry to hear that. You want to know if he's using or dealing before you confront him?
Stabler: No. I wanna take care of business first and then confront my brother in my own time and my own way.
Bell: No judgment here, but one thing I learned from my time in Narcotics is that an addict doesn't need an excuse to use but that doesn't mean they won't take one.

You know as well as I do that these things happen. The worst thing IAB can do right now is mistake unfortunate for unjust.

Stabler: How's PT going?
Bell: My physical therapist smiles too much. Says I'm about six weeks out from doing sit-ups.

Jet: You heard from Stabler?
Reyes: I went by his house but he wasn't there or he wasn't answering.
Jet: Yeah, he isn't answering my texts either. Technically, it's crossing T's to check on him, right?

Didn't stop you from getting out of Hate Crimes the first chance you got.

Bashir; I worked with Shah over a year. She's not the bad guy. Reyes

Stabler: Doc says you're recovering well?
Bell: He's really impressed with himself, so I take that as a good sign.

Law & Order: Organized Crime Quotes

Mob Boss: Why am I here?
Stabler: You know why I'm dressed like this? I just buried my wife.

Criminal: Say I was able to get a message to Mrs. Sinatra. What would I tell her?
Stabler: What happened in Puglisia didn't stay in Puglisia