Sara: Every time we go out, I expect Bravo to leap out of the bushes and fire me.
Emily: Ever since I told Luke I don’t want kids, it feels like he’s leaping into the bushes to hide from me.

He did push a child. I don’t know how you’re going to win this one, Em.

Sara: But Paulo doesn’t want to testify.
DA Berger: I know, but now we don’t have a choice.

So, Mr. Lopez, Emily is such a great friend. I love her, and I love Luke. She’s great, and he’s great, and together, they’re even greater.

All Rise Quotes

Sherri: Your honor?
Lola: This is a big moment for me. I just want to be present for it.

Mark: Your honor? Your Honor? Lola? I know you're up here. Why does it always have to be the top floor?
Lola: Because I don't want anyone to find me.
Mark: I told you to be sphinx-like.
Lola: I can't talk about my case.
Mark: It's okay. Lots of other people are.
Lola: Thanks a lot.
Mark: The sphinx has survived for 4500 years by silently staring down the enemy and then asking the right questions.
Lola: She wasn't dealing with LAPD and... I can't talk about it. It's just that... up on that bench, in this thing, everything is different. And that detective, I need to make a difference, but I can't tell if this is the battle, or this is the war.
Mark: What can I do?
Lola: Visit me at traffic court in Palmdale.
Mark: Never gonna happen.