It's time to leave Inside behind. And go outside.

Rufus: That's it. I stayed quiet while you crashed bridal showers and skipped out of book tours. I was hoping with enough time and support you'd realize that even though your book didn't do as well as you'd hoped, you still had your whole future ahead of you. Being a shut-in is not bouncing back.
Dan: I was defending my honor.

Dan: Number nine. Inside by Daniel Humphrey. What did Lincoln Hawk's first single debut at?
Rufus: Eight.

Lily: Well I bet you never thought you'd hear such good parenting advice from Blair Waldorf.
Rufus: It's time to let my anger go and return Dan's calls. I mean if he didn't piss me off it would just mean he wasn't growing up.
Lily: That is the Rufus Humphrey that I love.

Rufus: Since I'm feeling a little raw on the family front, if Eleanor refers to you as Lily Bass again I can't promise I won't return fire.
Lily: I dragged you here, and you have my full blessing to go Sean Penn if need be.

Lily: You know the only way you're going to get out of this funk is to sit down and listen to what he has to say.
Rufus: I'm not ready yet.

Rufus: I'll make dinner tonight and we can hear all about your first day.
Lily: You don't want to go to the break fast at the Waldorf's?
Rufus: Not really in the mood.
Lily: Oh. Isn't that ironic. The state lifts my house arrest and you lock yourself up.

Dan: Is everything okay?
Rufus: Well last night was your big night. I didn't want to ruin it for you.
Dan: Well it kind of went down on its own. What's going on? Did you not like the book?
Rufus: Of course I did, you're a beautiful writer. It just... broke my heart.
Dan: Dad.
Rufus: I gave up my career to raise you and I never regretted it, not once. Until yesterday when I read what you really think about it. A has-been turned trophy husband who married for money.
Dan: No, that is not what I think of you. You more than anybody should understand artistic license.
Rufus: I never expected to be your hero. I just didn't think I'd end up the fool.

Dan: Hey Dad.
Rufus: Your reviews. I guess you have a lot of reading to do today.

Dan: I want to make it clear: this book is a work of fiction. And after you read it I hope you'll feel good enough about it—and me—that, uh, you'll come to this book party tonight. The publisher is announcing that I'm the author, so...
Nate: Yeah. Of course we'll be there.
Dan: Well read it first. And then decide, because, you know, I didn't have the chance to make changes and there were some instances where it's not exactly how I would have wanted it.
Rufus: Well an artist never feels his work is perfect. It's good to always strive for more. I am so proud of you, son.

Dan: Hey, everyone. Thank you so much for coming.
Serena: I only have five minutes.
Blair: This better be really important.
Nate: What is this all about?
Lily: Is everything all right?
Charlie: This isn't about me, right?
Rufus: Yeah. What's going on, Dan?
Chuck: This is going to be fun.

Nate: What are you guys doing here?
Blair: We must have all gotten the same text from Dan.
Rufus: The last time he was this secretive he showed up with a baby.
Chuck: Don't worry, you're not about to become a grandfather. Though Dan is about to give birth in another way.
Serena walking in: Okay, I'm pretty sure this is how every murder mystery begins.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.