Lorelai: Hey, I got your note.
Rory: Yeah, well, putting it in the mallomars was a pretty safe bet.

Kirk: You have termites.
Lorelai: What?
Kirk: Tens of thousands of them. Subterranean, dry wood, the whole gamut.
Rory: Gross.
Kirk: Four of them crawled up my noise.
Lorelai: Okay, Kirk.
Kirk: It happens all the time when you're upside down. To them the nostril looks just like another hollow passage in the wood. They're not too bright.

Kirk: (about the cost of exterminating the termites) Well, I haven't done the exact estimate, but I'd say somewhere in the neighborhood of fifteen thousand dollars.
Lorelai: (laughs) Tell it to move to another neighborhood.
Kirk: I'm sorry?
Lorelai: Fifteen thousand dollars?
Rory: We're never eating again.

Emily: If you didn't work so hard you wouldn't have a tension headache.
Lorelai: It's not a work tension headache, mom.
Emily: So, then you are sick.
Lorelai: Actually, I am. I'm sick.
Emily: I knew it. What's wrong?
Lorelai: Consumption with a touch of the vapors. I'm going for a leeching tonight after coffee.
Rory: She's got a case of exterminatoritis.
Emily: What's that mean?
Lorelai: Nothing.
Rory: We have termites.
Emily: Oh, that's terrible.
Lorelai: It's not so bad.
Rory: They're eating our whole house.
Lorelai: But they always say thank you.

Rory: You're being stubborn.
Lorelai: Oh no! Have I shocked you?

Rory: Why aren't you saying anything?
Dean: Words seem to be very dangerous right now.

Rory: Maybe I didn't study hard enough. Maybe I got cocky.
Lorelai: Maybe you need a major mud bath/salt glow/chill pill combo.

Lorelai: I have a New Year's resolution for you--be more cynical and self-absorbed.
Rory: I'll work on it.

Lorelai: Hey Mom, you didn't make it back to the room last night. Did you get lucky?
Emily: Could you be any cruder?
Lorelai: Yeah, I could be cruder. Hey Mom, did you get lai...
Rory: Thanks for coming!

Lorelai: People have too many things.
Rory: Says the woman with 64 pairs of shoes.
Lorelai: Thus proving my point.

(About inviting everyone to the Inn)
Lorelai: An out of control, over the top slumber party!
Sookie: I love it!
Rory: Me too!
Lorelai: Done! Spread the word.
Luke: I haven't said I'd come yet so I'm certainly not gonna suddenly become your messenger boy. (Lorelai gives him a glaring look) Eight o'clock?
Lorelai: Seven.
Luke: Right.

Rory: So how'd it go?
Lorelai: Well
Rory: Aww.
Lorelai: You know, we talked about all the things we had in common and then the salad came.
Rory: Not a soul mate?
Lorelai: He's never seen Ab Fab.
Rory: Definitely not a soul mate.
Lorelai: Plus, he's outdoorsy. Remember that Meryl Streep movie where she and her family take a rafting trip and then psycho Kevin Bacon forces them to take 'em down the river?
Rory: Yeah.
Lorelai: Okay, that's his dream vacation, minus Kevin Bacon.
Rory: Wow.
Lorelai: Whereas mine is Kevin Bacon, minus the river, so...

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
