Brooke: Did you do something slutty?
Rachel: Let's just say I started the morning off with a bang.

Chase: Wow! Good grade. I have the toughest time with Calculus.
Brooke: Yeah, most people do.
Chase: Maybe you could tutor me?
Brooke: Yeah, sure. Anytime. (whispers to Rachel) Check me out! I'm a smart virgin!
Rachel: Great! You're the new Mouth!

Nathan looked good tonight, no wonder you're pregnant.


Brooke: A little late for a Clean Teen meeting, don't you think?
Rachel: What else does virgins have to do at night?

Nurse: I know you cheerleaders expect special treatment, but I never liked the cheerleaders at my school.
Rachel: Its probably because you looked like that.

Peyton: Bitch.
Rachel: Slut.
Brooke: Whore.
Bevin: Thank you.

Brooke: Peyton here. I like to steal boys but I'm afraid to tell them how I feel.
Peyton: Speaking of stealing, hi I'm Brooke I stole my friend Peyton's artwork for my designs and didn't bother to say thank you!
Brooke: Okay. Peyton here again. Did I mention that if you love me you're probably gonna die soon? See mothers 1 and 2.
Haley: Brooke!
Bevin: My name's Rachel and I have red hair!
Brooke and Peyton: Aah!
Haley and Rachel: Hey!

Rachel: You guys really need to work it out. When I was in fat girl thearpy. Role play.
Haley: Okay I'll go first. Hi my name's Rachel and I'm a dumb ass who's failing calculus and really likes to hit on married guys.
Rachel: Good kinda like when I slept with Nathan. Damn that was good.

Rachel: If you're looking for Nathan... he's in my bedroom.
Haley: If you're looking for a black eye, it's in my fist.

Haley: Stay the hell away from my husband.
Rachel: I was just giving him a proper thank you.
Haley: Please, your thank you's send people to the free clinic.

Rachel: Do you think people can change, Brooke? I mean, truly change.
Brooke: Well, I'd like to say yes. But, honestly I don't really think people can change. You know at the end of the day you are who you are, and it's probably who you've always been.
Rachel: But, what if who you've been is pretty horrible?
Brooke: I brought you back your house keys. It's a very nice house - big rooms, no parents. I used to have one of those.

Rachel: Slut.
Brooke: Bitch.
Rachel: Whore... Well, I know I'm not in heaven 'cause they'd never let Brooke Davis' skanky ass through the gates.
Brooke: And your ass wouldn't fit. At least not the old one.

One Tree Hill Quotes

Haley: Oh, the magazine pages are sticking again, you little pervert. Oh hey Luke. You've been reading this?
Lucas: I don't know, Haley. Is that the 'why do i hang out with these people?' issue, because you're on the cover of that, right?
Haley: No, actually it's the 'my best friend is an idiot' issue and there you are!

No foul, basket counts. Besides, you won't score again.
