It's what you are, just be excellent at what you are.

Owen: I don't understand.
Cristina: It's two words - no sex.
Owen: I'm sure there should be more words.
Cristina: Look if you're going to choose chief resident, you have to be impartial.
Owen: Come on this - now?
Cristina: Sex with me, however hot and excellent, could cloud your judgment.

Owen: How'd she take it Karev?
Alex: Bitchy, cause she's a bitch.

Owen: It's a cute baby, right?
Cristina: Its small features and oversized thighs trigger a hormonal response from humans. It's autonomic. It's what keeps us from eating them.

Cristina: It was hasty. I was a PTSD wastoid shivering on the coach. Maybe we didn't think this through.
Owen: Stop it. You don't get to pull that crap with me. We got married not because you're a basket case but because we loved each other and we wanted a life together.

You have an obligation to at least pretend that you care what the hell I want.

Cristina: Meredith has two ground-breaking medical projects and I don't have any.
Owen: You have a husband that loves you.
Cristina: So does she.
Owen: Well, then I guess you're screwed.

Chief: I'm trying to look at Bailey's teets on the internet.
Owen: I think you mean tweets, Sir.
Chief: Uh, whatever.
Owen: Uh uh, not whatever. It's important you get that one right.

You are fearless, and I don't mean that in a good way. Most people don't tell the guy with the gun to shoot them. Most people are like Cristina. Most people are afraid. So what she needs isn't what you need. She isn't you, Meredith.

Owen: Do you want to know what I think? I think you are reckless. I think you are reckless with your own life and today you were reckless with a patient's life. I don't care who you are. I don't want that in my OR, and I don't want that around my wife who is struggling just to hold on.
Meredith: Your wife is struggling just to hold on because you married her and let it be ok for her to completely fall apart.

Get out of my OR.

You don't get to talk to me like that in my OR. If you can't keep your problems, our problems, outside, then you should go.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
