Dan: So what do you want to do?
Serena: I want to finish what Diana started. I want to take Gossip Girl down for good.
Nate: I'm with you. I think we should use The Spectator to do it.

I spoke with the EMT who brought them in. He said it's pretty bad.

Took you long enough. And I'm not talking about the walk from the lobby to here.

Serena: What's he doing?
Nate: Looks like he's helping Chuck and Blair finally be together.

Nate: My grandfather just admitted to me that the only reason I have this job is because he bought the Spectator. Here I was, thinking I was doing great work and so proud of it, now I just feel like a total fraud.
Charlie: It doesn't matter how you got here, Nate.

Chuck: You should know better than anyone, these stories are invented to sell papers to women who collect ceramic cats.
Nate: Still, maybe you should give her a call.
Chuck: Louis is the father of her child. There's no way Blair's walking away from that.

Gossip Girl: We all wear different masks for different reasons.
Diana: Nate, you matter to me. A lot. I was just trying to be cool. You know that's my thing. Although I'm beginning to see I may need a new thing. From now on, equals.
Nate: Just us. Together. Seeing what happens.

Nate: So I don't get it, you kissed Blair so she'd think you hadn't changed?
Chuck: The only way for Blair to move on is if she thinks I never will. I had to kiss her to set her free.
Nate: That may be the most selfless thing you've ever done.
Chuck: I've never been more good and less happy about it.

Why don't you go find the witches. They're awesome. And I think I see Lady Macbeth.

Chuck: Maybe we're maturing too fast.
Nate: Which is why you're back to playing Phantom of the Opera sex games?

Charlie: You have a girlfriend.
Nate: Who schedules time with me as if it were a board meeting.
Charlie: And who is my boss.
Nate: Well maybe I want something more.
Diana: Charlie! My office.
Charlie: If you want more, ask for it. And do us both a favor and ask her, not me.

Nate: Please tell me you're not just getting home from yesterday. Did you spend all night with Zarkana again or what?
Chuck: Early morning charity event meeting.
Nate: Is that what you're calling it now? Charity.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.