Theo: This thing with Bash, how are you managing to fit him into your usual metric of giving 200 percent?
Mags: By downgrading to a 75-75 split?
Theo: You? As if.

Bash: All this mess for an omelet.
Mags: I don't mind the mess.

Who are you? And what have you done with June?

Mags [to June]

Bash: You OK, June?
June: I have a headache. I don't usually get them.
Mags: You blew up your five-year plan for a specialty with Novak of all people. I bet it's a migraine.

That's right. You know I keep forgetting that not everyone prefers their patients unconscious.

June [to Mags]

Mags: Why didn't you come in?
Faye: You know how it is. By the time you actually see someone, you feel better and you've lost six hours of your life and annoyed the doctors.

The hair and the beard, is that really a good idea?

Mags [to Theo]

June: I feel like [Shay] should be fully formed.
Mags: Why do I think you were born fully formed?

Transplant Quotes

Bashir: Thanks for that. He's taking everything I say the wrong way.
Magalie: What does he think you did?
Bashir: At this point, maybe planning 9/11....but I didn't

Uncle: You're a hero
Bashir: People in this country might not agree.