Lorelai: Can I ask you stupid questions?
Luke: There's no such thing.
Lorelai: (frustrated) How does the ink come out of pens?!
Luke: Okay, there is such a thing.

Lorelai: I think it's time to make a move.
Luke: Meaning?
Lorelai: I'm diving in. Sookie and I are finally gonna open that inn.
Luke: Yeah, I know.
Lorelai:: No. I mean now. We've been talking about it and dreaming about it and it's time to finally get going on it.
Luke:: Well, if the time is right.
Lorelai: It is. You think I can hack being a business owner?
Luke: I think you can hack anything.

Lorelai: No one has ever made me a huppah.
Luke: You only get married once...theoretically.
Lorelai: Yeah...you only get married once.

Lorelai: Did you mean all those things you said about marriage?
Luke: What things?
Lorelai: You really want me to repeat them to you?
Luke: No I mean, I guess, for some people, marriage isn't the worst thing in the world. I mean it's probably better than being hobbled or something like that.
Lorelai: And people can evolve together don't you think?
Luke: Maybe.
Lorelai: Yoko and John Lennon did. They got closer and closer as the years went by. At the end they even had the same face.
Luke: It got a little spooky.
Lorelai: But cool
Luke: Yeah, they were lucky. I guess if you can find that one person, you know, who's willing to put up with all your crap and doesn't want to change you or dress you, or you know, make you eat French food, then marriage can be all right...but that's only if you find that person.
Lorelai: Yeah, if you find that person.

Lorelai: I'm officially changing my order. I'll have the 'Luke's giving Lorelai a migraine' meal.
Luke: Blue cheese or ranch?

Lorelai: (about the wedding shower) It's crazy out there.
Luke: Oh, I can imagine.
Lorelai: Lots of people having fun, just the kind of thing you'd hate.

Lorelai: Boy, they keep making that ketchup slower and slower, huh?
Luke: It's the Heinz family's little joke.

Luke: There's nothing like a wedding to screw up a family.
Lorelai: Well in my case, there's nothing like a family to screw up a family.
Luke: It starts out all very nice, two people promising to be together forever, I'll die when you die, my life meant nothing till you used my toothbrush. Then you start planning the wedding. Aunt Junie's allergic to milk. Uncle Momo's off his meds...
Lorelai: Junie and Momo?
Luke: They're names.
Lorelai: Of a retired circus couple?
Luke: Then the ceremony's a disaster, a ring is lost, someone can't sit there with their ex, someone's drunk, someone's sleeping with someone else's wife, and somone's walked off with a gift or two.
Lorelai: You know, the Gettysburg Address was only one page long. And that was about a war.

Luke: But who knows how long you'll work after you're married.
Lorelai: Excuse me?
Luke: But you probably already talked about that, right?
Lorelai: No, but I do think he and my father have come to an agreement on how many goats I'm worth.

(to Lorelai) Fresh coffee'll be ready in a minute, unless you wanna just roll up a dollar bill and go nuts.

Crazy people. The whole town should be medicated and put in a rec room with ping-pong tables and hand puppets.

</i> Luke

(Luke broke into Lorelai's house)
Luke: It's the kind of lock burglars go for.
Lorelai: How do you know?
Luke: It's easy to break. I proved that.
Lorelai: You proved that by...
Luke: Breaking in through the back door.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
