Jason: I got a lot on my mind lately.
Lafayette: That must be new.

You're too busy praising Jesus to realize your daughter wants to move in with him permanently.

Pam: You picking up what I'm putting down?
Lafayette: Yes.
Pam: Good, I'll be back tomorrow for the money.

Arleen: Sh*t I'm pregnant again.
Lafayette: Hey, you forgot your rings.
Arleen: F**k the rings.

Jesus and I agreed to see other people, but that don't mean we don't still talk from time to time.

This has got to be the worst motherfucking intervention in history

Lettie Mae: If only Miss Jeanette was still alive.
Lafayette [about Tara]: She don't need no backwards witch. She needs Thorazine and padded cell

Jesus and I agreed to see other people, but that don't mean we still don't talk time to time

Bill: Tara, you are safe here. You have to do exactly as I say
Tara: I am not your fucking slave girl
Lafayette: If there ever there was a time to listen to a white man, Tara, this is it

Tara: If you die I'm gonna be really pissed
Lafayette: That makes two of us

Lafayette: Make me a vampire.
Eric: I beg your pardon?
Lafayette: You can put me to work in the bar...I'm a good dancer you've seen it on my site. (Eric walks around to him) Shit, I'd get up there and I'd move Earth and Heaven go-go style.
Eric: You are aware there's a gaping hole in your leg? You're damaged goods.
Lafayette: Not if you turn me. I'd be good as ever. Look I...I'm already a person of poor moral character. So, I hit the ground running and I damn near glamour people already. Gimme what ya'll got...not only will I be a bad-ass vampire, but I'd be your bad-ass vampire

Sookie: Tara. You look so pretty. Like someone turned on a light under your skin.
Sam: Hospital gave her pain meds. She's... she's a little loopy.
Tara: Didn't you listen when I said I'd lose my shit if anything ever happened to you?
Sookie: Don't lose your shit. I'm fine. Did Sam tell you he saved my life? He turned into a dog and bit Rene.
Lafayette: Well, shit. I'm gonna need some of them drugs they gave you.
Sam: Okay, you guys. We should let her rest.
Sookie: Sam, you should let people see the real you. Cause you're kind, brave. There's nothin there not to love.
Sam: Right back at you

True Blood Quotes

Grandma [about people charging vampires for sex]: Wonder how much one would charge for something like that?
Jason: A thousand bucks.
Sookie: See, now that just makes me sick.
Grandma: I know. What kind of cheap woman could ever do something like that?
Sookie: No it makes me sick that they're getting a thousand bucks to lay there and do nothing while I bust my ass for ten bucks an hour plus tips

Tara [tending bar]: Uh-oh do... do not snap at me. I have a name. And that name is Tara. Isn't that funny a black girl being named after a plantation. No I don't think it's funny at all. In fact it really pisses me off that my momma was either stupid or just plain mean. Which is why you better be nice if you plan on getting a drink tonight.
Customer: Sorry

True Blood Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes