Van Pelt: Does Jane seem off to you?
Cho: Always.

I'm a cop. How did you think this was going to go?

Cho: How are you doing?
Rigsby: Good. Solid. Definitely not about to have a heart attack.

Cho: He said trust me.
Rigsby: Always a bad sign.

That drink of water is going to be very expensive.

Lisbon: Visualize has a college.
Cho: Apparently you major in yourself.

Grace: You know kids used to call me Bracie Gracie because I wore braces until I was 17. What did people call you?
Cho: Cho.

Cho: Fashion, really?
Rigsby: Beautiful women in nice clothes. What's not to like.

Cho: They brought in hookers for entertainment.
Jane: Good, wholesome fun.

Lisbon: What can you get for $127.68?
Cho: You could go crazy at Olive Garden.

Don't take this the wrong way but the death of Jane's family made him a better person.

Cho: He found the victim seconds after his throat was cut.
Jane: That's got to be the worst bachelor party ever.

The Mentalist Quotes

Grace Van Pelt: Mr. Jane, I have a question regarding your previous career path.
Patrick Jane: Fire away.
Grace Van Pelt: When you met with other psychics, real psychics, could they tell you were just pretending?
Patrick Jane: There's no such thing as real psychics.

Greetings old friend, it's been a while. I hope you are keeping well. I am thriving and happy. I have 12 wives now and will soon begin courting number 13. Why can't you catch me? You must feel so powerless and stupid and sad. Oh well. All the best. Red John.

Grace Van Pelt