Deeks: I was just gonna see if you were good.
Kensi: Yeah. You?
Deeks: I'm good if you're good.
Kensi: I'm good.
Deeks: Okay. That's good. We're good. Which is, you know, great.
Kensi: I'm glad we cleared that up. See ya tomorrow.

Callen: I'm sorry. Did I miss something? Who are these guys?
Kensi: They aren't guys. They're WODs. W-O-Ds.
Callen: Is that like a B-F-F with an S-T-D?
Kensi: W-O-D is Work Out of the Day.

Looks like she tickled your pickle.

Anybody want to put a leash on him before we go another round right here?

Deeks: Really? Bra holster?
Kensi: Really? Furry handcuffs?
Deeks: Little gift from our friends.

Kensi: And, take that off.
Deeks: All right.
Kensi: (gasps) Oh, my God, not your pants.
Deeks: What? Oh, my bad. Thought you wanted me to take my pants off.
Kensi: I can't believe you just did that.

Kensi: Is that a fanny pack?
Deeks: No, it's a bro-sack.

Hetty to Eric on how he stopped the video: How did you do that!?
Eric:(I was just as lost as Hetty so i didnt catch what he said lol)
Hetty:In ENGLISH Mr. Eric!
Eric: I broke the internet.
Kensi:Seriously? Like the whole internet?
Eric: Yep.
Deeks: Even Twitter!?

Deeks: Hence the 10 year rule.
Kensi: Mhm?
Deeks: You should always know your partner at least 10 years prior to marrying them. You date me for a decade, you deserve my hand in marriage.
Kensi: That sounds so much more like a punishment than a reward.

Kensi: Ready to go for a little ride. (Deeks smirks) On the bikes, Deeks, on the bikes.
Deeks: I didn't say anything.