Quinn, I know I've taught you lots of things but you should try to be less like me. You should be less like me. And more like Liv.

Quinn: I hacked into Liv's email.
Huck: Why?
Quinn: Because I can.

Huck: It's true what they say. If you want someone killed right, you've gotta kill them yourself.
Abby: Somebody stitch that on a pillow.

Huck: He took my life and then he put me in a box and almost took it again. I will get us the name.
Olivia: Huck--
Huck: My world, my rules.

Olivia: So why are you telling me this?
Huck: Because the last woman who was sleeping with the President ended up dead in the Potomac. And I want you to stay alive.

Huck: I did terrible things.
Olivia: We all do terrible things.

Huck: I think I used to have a family. But I don't remember if they were real or if I imagined them.
Olivia: What do you think?
Huck: I think they were real.
Olivia: Then they were real. Then you had a family.
Huck: They were real.

Pain is the only human process that is completely defined by the person experiencing it. Now the more I do this the more I learn that people are very different in how they respond to the pain I put them through. You say 'potato' I say 'buh buh,' that type of deal. Now I would say that the majority, maybe 90% of my projects, scream out right away. But then some of them surprise me. They grit their teeth for as long as they can until they pass out and they never make any sound at all. Now they're not any braver than anyone else, they're just different. Which is what makes this job so interesting. You really get to see what people are made of. Literally.

Huck: It's just math.
David: Math?
Huck: You hire us. We negotiate the ransom. Make an untraceable payment. Retrieve the victim. Safe and sound. We've never lost a client. Not once. You call the cops you get a rescue team, dogs, body armor, the works. Now, you don't spend any of your own money but the victim's chance of survival drops to 50% in a rescue scenario. So if I wanted to see my loved one alive, I wouldn't call the cops. I'd call us. Every time.

Scandal Quotes

Harrison: I'm not a baby lawyer. I'm a gladiator in a suit. Because that's what you are when you work for Olivia. You're a gladitor in a suit. You want to be a gladiator in a suit. You gotta say it.
Quinn: I want to be a gladiator in a suit.

Quinn, this is not a blind date. On blind dates I like to buy a woman dinner because it makes her more likely to sleep with me or give me a second date. When I buy you dinner, you'll know I'm interested.
