Next time someone asks you for a favor, say yes or say no, but don't say yes and then put it in the box and grill it.

I was starkly aware of how good I have it. How good we all have it having each other. I’m just feeling especially blessed.

Frank: In a few days you’re going to be gone from this place, starting out in the world on your own. Make the world your own. Take what is useful from your time with us, your years around this table, but don’t think you have to become us.
Henry: But if you do…
Frank: You do. If you don’t, you don’t. It’s your life, not ours. And I like to think that your Dad, and your Aunt, and your Uncle, do what they do because they were drawn to it not because they were pushed.

Henry: We don’t stand on ceremony here. We tell each other the truth, sometimes the hard truth but it’s all done with love.
Frank: And you’re a part of that Eddie.

Embrace the pain.

Some say we have more than our share of loss, but I see God's light in this family every day, and though I may not understand it, I trust in his plan for us all.

Frank: Of all my kids, I think he's the most like me.
Henry: When we lost Mary you checked out completely.
Frank: I was stuck in quick sand.
Henry: I remember.
Frank: You know what got me out?
Henry: Work? Purpose?
Frank: My kids became my purpose.

Frank: I'm on my third mayor here, Pop. I think I'm used up.
Henry: I don't think we need two of us sitting here worrying about Danny.

No matter the hardship or the loss, this family does not stand down, ever.


Bad things happen to everyone, boys. We all get knocked down. What matters is you get up. You keep going.

Jamie: You take a shot at the king, you better not miss.
Frank: My aim is true.
Erin: He's got the heavy artillery.
Henry: You can't fire him but he can fire you.

Henry: So who died?
Danny: A 33-year-old woman with a four-year-old kid.
Erin: A 40-year-old dermatologist from the upper West Side.
Frank: And a 16-year-old in East New York.
Henry: I didn't mean it literally.
Frank: You just forgot who was at the table.