I spent 18 years with an alcoholic, I don't care if you're mad.

Hailey: You know my dad used to do that, cough drops. He thought it hid the smell. It didn't; you could still smell. Is there anything you want to tell me?
Jo: No.

Hailey: What happened?
Jo: What do you mean?
Hailey: Why didn't you shoot?

Hailey: Why do you usually ride the desk?
Jo: I just prefer it. I can't think the same in the field.

Voight: Every wound the sisters had matched Noah's.
Hailey: So you're saying we have a serial killer?

Hailey: I can't be a good cop if I'm angry. I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do. That's why you're here, right? Serious. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it. Anything. How do I fix it?
Voight: I don't know.

Hailey: I'm not a bad cop.
Mitchell: I never said that you were a bad cop. It would be real simple if it was about bad cops. It ain't.

It's Cam's brother. He's our offender. I think I got it wrong.

Voight: Did Jay sign the divorce papers?
Hailey: What?
Voight: Hailey, you had them on your desk. Are you okay?

Chicago PD Quotes

Man: I don't know where I'm going.
Voight: Just keep driving.

You know, I basically look people in the eye for a living. You have a future beyond this neighborhood D'Anthony, and it's okay to want that. When you start to try to get out, whenever that is, you call me.
