Not my place to judge. We all fall down. It's about how we get up.

Had a gun in my face and I just walked 12 miles in spiked boots so no, I'm not really OK.

Drama at Diosa. Whores will be whores.

I'm going to go out back and give the azaleas cancer.

I am the only thread holding this family together.

Vulnerability is a liability. No place for it in this life.

Gemma: My crack office manager wanting to trade repairs for chinchillas.
Nero: Somehow that doesn't surprise me.

How many dead babies does it take to ruin a carpet?

Unser: Where's your Latin lover?
Gemma: With the whores.

There are no second chances Wayne. We got one shot at loving and raising our kids.

We've got a rough history, me and her. I'm just trying to help her more than hurt her for a change.

I'm a dirty biker whore with a record. She's the good doctor. Does it really matter what I have to say?

Sons of Anarchy Quotes

Jax: Some days you're the Beamer, some days you're the goddamn deer.
Chibs: Some yuppie creamed it out by the streams.
Jax: He run into it or hit a tree while it was giving him head?
Half-Sack: How the hell you want me to get it out of there? (Jax gets a chainsaw) Come on. Jesus, man.
Jax: Just pretend its carve your on steak night at the sizzler.
Half-Sack: I don't eat meat, man.
Jax: Figure it out, grunt.

A true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The outcome is the balance of might and right.

Jax Teller [voiceover, reading his fathers memoirs]