Gabriela: Jake.
Jake: What? No. Good morning, 5 AM. And good morning, Gabriela.
Gabriela: I -- I need your breakfast, frittata. And also, how was Bode's party?
Jake: I didn't go. You didn't go?
Gabriela: Why didn't you go?
Jake: Well, I think I got in Bode's head at the Lazarus fire. Why didn't you go?
Gabriela: I'm his ex. It's weird.
Jake: You're my ex. Sitting in my bed. At 5 AM. That's not weird at all. And you don't even work here anymore.
Eve: I know. I am here to scold. You both missed Bode's party.
Gabriela: Well, I sent him a donut.
Eve: I'm serious. He needs us. He needs his support system. He needs us.
Jake: Okay. Yeah. You're right. We should have totally been there. I -- I feel terrible.
Gabriela: I feel worse.
Eve: And I feel hungry. Jake, you cooking? Cause enjoy me while you can. Because I might be moving to Sacramento.
Gabriela: Wait, what?
Jake: Huh? Sacramento? What's in Sacramento?

Gabriela: Who's the civilian doing the rescue?
Vince: Who do you think?
Sharon: Is it my stubborn son? With no gear, inside a burning building.
Rick: To save a kid.
Jake: Listen Rick. You want to stay out of our way.

Vince: Doctor cleared me to go on this fire.
Gabriela: So, you told Sharon and Bode?
Vince: Not yet. That fire line out there, it takes every bit of concentration and focus that one can have. And I don't need Sharon worrying about something that's not in front of her face. Okay? That's not happening.
Gabriela: Play it safe. Okay, you're a chief. So, command from the sidelines.
Vince: Oh. You giving the orders now?
Gabriela: Sharon. Sharon.
Vince: Hey. No, no, no. Okay. Fine. Deal.

Gabriela: Your mom was right. It's a bubble out here. Being in the now. Where we are. I like that.
Bode: No future, no consequences.

Gabriela: How dare you threaten me like that.
Vince: Bode's going to get out in little more than a year. And I just want to fight fires with my son. I know you know what it's like to wait for Bode. I mean, you did at one time. My pulse is normal and the tremor's getting better, too. Any more symptoms, I'll go straight to the ER. Promise. Just give me a little more time. 'Kay? For me and for Bode.

Roberta: Gabbi, I'm not even apologizing. I know it's too late for that. But I just want to tell you that the only thing that I would change is just knowing you better. But Bode? He knows you.
Gabriela: Did you talk to Bode?
Roberta: I mean, I talked to everyone.
Gabriela: Mom.
Roberta: Gabi, Bode was just doing what he thought was best for you. And he didn't want to hurt you any more than I did.
Gabriels: Why? Why? Why are you telling me this?
Roberta: Because you're about to make a choice. A choice you have to live with for a long time. Choose wisely. Learn from my mistakes.

Vince: What?
Gabriela: I need more information than fine. Have you had any other symptoms besides tremors?
Vince: No. I got every test they had at the hospital. And they released me. So I don't need you to be my FitBit, 'kay?
Gabriela: That's the price of secrecy. You have to tell me everything.

Gabriela: I think you're in AFib. The electricity in your heart's misfiring. I'm going to call an ambo.
Vince: Nope. No. You are not. You call this in, my career is over.
Gabriela: I don't, and your life may be over. So.

Vince: I think this is probably a one time event. You know, I've seen it before. On the job. All it takes is one shock to correct the arrhythmia. Alright? So let's, let's do it. Shock me, Perez.
Gabriela: I can't.
Vince: Yes, you can. I'm giving you permission.
Gabriela: No, it's not you.
Vince: What do you mean it's not me? I'm your boss, aren't I?
Gabriela: It's Bode. If I hurt you, I can't look at him in the eye again. I, I, I can't. I can't.
Vince: That's fair. I guess.

Eve: Gabs, your dad said the daddiest dad joke of all time. I go good job putting out the fire. He said...
Manny: We fame to please.
Eve: He -- no. Boo.
Gabriela: Stop.
Manny: What do you think, Jake? Does that joke belong in the Hall of Flame?
Eve: Oh no.
Gabriela: No.
Manny: Come on.
Eve: Boo.
Manny: Come on. That was good.
Gabriela: Dad.
Manny: That was good.
Gabriela: No.
Jake: Yo, Eve. You and your crew are on mopup, okay?
Manny: Guess he doesn't like my jokes.
Eve: I'm a little worried about Jake. You know, it's been like a month since Cara passed. And he hasn't taken any time off.
Gabriela: That's how he's dealing with his grief.

Gabriela: You being able to own your own issues and work through them, Dad, that's what I admire most about you.
Manny: Well, that's good because here's a big one. Your mom didn't abandon us.
Gabriela: Dad, that's not--
Manny: She left me. Not you.

Fire Country Quotes

I've dislocated my shoulder but still operational. I'm going to make contact with the patient.


Bode, you were gone for so long, we assumed you were dead. I'm done worrying about you.
