Will: It’s personal. Male serial killers don’t care about death. They’re in it for the torture. The death is just a by-product. Women serial killers want to be present at the moment of death.
Faith: Revenge fantasy?
Will: Exactly.

Faith: The reason I’m assigned to this case, Detective, is because a man was murdered, and you said out loud to multiple people, including the murder victim’s parole officer, ‘There is a special place in hell for that dead rat bastard.'
Michael: He was a child sex offender. Everyone was thinking it!

People did not forget. They were destroyed. Lily Watkins mattered.

Get your hands off my son!

Faith: What’s the plan?
Will: Same as always, Mitchell. Stay alive.
Faith: You too.

Faith: You look like James Bond.
Will: The name’s Trent, Will Trent.
Faith: Stupid, real stupid.

Faith: Do you want to make this wedding black eye optional? Whose side are you on?
Will: Yours. Always yours.

Luke: You are so hot when you are working. I can’t even think. I don’t know how anyone gets anything done around you.
Faith: I am sure it’s a struggle for the whole department.

Will: Then you got a threatening call on your personal line. I didn’t get that call. Did you?
Faith: I did not get a call.

Luke: You look great.
Faith: Thanks.
Will: Well, this is awkward.

Will Trent Quotes

If this case goes sideways, I’m out. If I’m out, who’s going to protect you?


I told him I’d bring my best. I just need you to read the crime scene.
