Lily: I want to come to the infirmary.
Faith: But today’s the last day to be with your friends.
Lily: I want to be with you.
Joseph: Cherish today. It’s God’s gift.
Faith: In that case, that is exactly what we’ll do.

Oh, Molly, how am I going to say goodbye?

Lilly isn’t mine. She’s staying with me for the time being.

Lilly: I don’t have an auntie.
Faith: You have me. I could be your auntie. Would you like to call me Auntie Faith?

Faith: You care about him.
Mei: So much.
Faith: It’s scary when things get serious, isn’t it? It’s easy to feel afraid.
Mei: So if I’m afraid that means…
Faith: Things are getting serious.
Mei: Serious has never worked for me.
Faith: Well, maybe it will this time.

Mr. Hunter: Now you're saying this lady is supposed to be a pharmacist? What is wrong with this town?!
Mike: Nothing is wrong with this town, and I'm not a doctor. She is!
Mr. Hunter: [laughs] Good one, Doc.
Faith: I think I need to have a word with my patient. I'll tell you what's not funny. When you came in here, you were barely breathing, possibly hours away from death. You had low blood pressure, you were dehydrated, and you were probably dangerously anemic. Now, how do I know this? Because I am a good doctor, and I am your doctor. Now let me help you, and let Miss Sou help you because she is a good pharmacist.
Mike: And how about showing a little gratitude?
Mr. Hunter: I'm sorry, Miss Doctor.
Mike: Uh uh.
Mr Hunter: And Miss Pharmacist. Thank you both.

Faith: Nathan, nothing's changed since we last tried -- with us. I know that you're trying, and I appreciate that. There's something in the way. There has always been. I wish things could be different, but they're not.
Nathan: Faith, I'm - I don't know what's wrong with me.
Faith: There's nothing wrong with you. It's just the way it is. I've missed having you as a friend.
Nathan: I miss that, too.
Faith: We're good that way. You make me laugh, and I like your dog.
Nathan: Really? I guess I like him, too. Yeah. So, um, where do we go from here?
Faith: Back to the way things were.
Nathan: I'd love that.

Elizabeth: I know it's you behind the scholarship.
Henry: Lucas.
Elizabeth: You need to tell Rosaleen.
Henry: I'm just tryin' to do something good here, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: I appreciate that. What are you afraid of?
Henry: That if she knows it came from me, that she will not accept it. And I need her to be OK more than I need forgiveness.

Faith: Grief is unusual. It doesn’t know the time.
Rosemary: Grief?
Faith: Rosemary, I think you might be grieving the loss of your mother.
Rosemary: I miss her.

Faith: When I did my residency on the maternity ward, I came to realize that one of the hardest roles to play is a motherless mother.
Rosemary: I never heard that term before. I’ve never had this much love inside me, but I’ve never felt this afraid.

When you witness childbirth, you realize how strong women really are.

Nathan: You know, in my experience, a thief is good at two things, stealing a lying, and this one only seems good at the latter.
Thief: I’m pretty bad at both, and you’re right. If I’d known you two were from around here, I wouldn’t have shown my face.
Nathan: Yeah, you would have just robbed another mercantile.
Faith: People make mistakes, and we can give them a second chance. Sometimes they’ll surprise you.

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.