Caitlin: At least you're not pining for someone who burst into flames and wants nothing to do with you.
Barry: [laughs] What is wrong with us?! I mean, we're in our 20s. We should be having fun. We should meet people, go on lots of dates.
Caitlin: Here's to liquid courage. [chugs drink]
Barry: Waaa. That is very fast. You drank all of it.

Barry: Is something bothering you?
Caitlin: I'm fine. Why would you ask that?
Barry: You're doing that biting your lower lip thing you do when something's bothering you.

Mick: You're a friend of his, huh? He's fast. Like fire. Fire, it's undefinable. Heat, light, energy. It's an evolution when things burn.
Caitlin. You're sick.
Mick: Maybe you're the sick one, ever think about that?
Caitlin: Not really.

Things weren't really normal with you pining after Iris and her being totally unaware. Whatever happens next, it will be better.

Cicso: Caitlin, don't worry. Hey. Now that we know he's out there, we will find Ronnie again.
Caitlin: Why? So we can throw him in there with all the other metahuman psychos?

Caitlin: Ronnie's alive. I saw him Cisco. I think he was following me...
Cisco: Caitlin, Ronnie died. He was vaporized in the accelerator when it went critical.
Caitlin: Ronnie's alive and he's out there, alone and scared and I need your help to find him.

Caitlin: Since when do we have facial recognition software?
Felicity: Happy Hanakuah.

The Flash Quotes

Cisco: How's it fit?
Barry: It's a little snug.
Cisco: Well, at least you'll be moving so fast no one will see you.

Can I keep the sweatshirt?
