Sometimes I feel like we bend over backwards for Dixon, but we don't do the same for Annie.

I could drive you home and we could swap stories about Harry's penis.

Tabitha: You wanna help? Yell at the gardener for parking his crap wagon in the driveway.
Debbie: Actually, that's our crap wagon, Tabitha.
Tabitha: Well, park it around the corner so the neighbors won't notice.

Dixon: This sucks.
Debbie: Dixon, how about a new phrase? Like this bites or this blows? Because you've been saying this sucks for the last 1,500 miles.


The emotions and the issues are very real... these characters have real layers that will all peel away very, very slowly.

Shenae Grimes

It's not a mom and dad who are home eating bon bons. It's a couple who's f%$k!

Rob Estes