Unitards don't really scream sexy. More like 1970s magician.

Daniel: Everyone's staring at me
Betty: That's because you're supposed to be a waiter and you're standing around in a $10,000 Prada suit eating cookies
Daniel: It's two years old!

Amanda: Daniel you were all over the papers today
Daniel: Really?
Amanda: Yes. [reading paper]: Looking sensational at Michael Kors was Daniel Meade. He was accompanied by... *gasp*
Daniel: What?
Amanda: Nothing, I just remembered I can't read. It's my own secret shame

Daniel: I really need you to deal with these
Betty: Okay
Daniel: Last year the mandate was for cuffs to be peering out from jackets. At Marc Jacobs' preview last night suddenly they're peaking instead. Can you believe it?
Betty: Nope, I can't
Daniel: It was humiliating. I need an eight of an inch off all of them ASAP. Please use your discretion. I'd be mortified if anyone knew they were mine

Daniel: Shoplifting? I don't even know what that means
Betty: Yeah, neither did your mother

Wilhelmina: Cancel whatever parade you're going to and we need to find out what the hell is going on here. Go get 'em boy
Daniel: Woof

Molly: Did you just toss your change in the garbage?
Daniel: No
Molly: Liar? You totally did.
Daniel: What it was seven cents? I hate pennies
Molly: What do you hate nickels too? Rich jerk.

Daniel: Molly?
Molly: You were right, I can't say I don't have feelings for you. I broke up with Conner.

Conner: I love the whole "good cop, bad cop" thing you two have going
Daniel: It's not really a thing, it's more like I'm nice and she's not
Wilhelmina: Can I help it that my balls are bigger than his
Conner: God I love this woman

Daniel: We are not going to lose to Elle again
Wilhelmina: If we do, one of you dies

Claire: ...and your weakness for having sex in public places
Daniel: That was only one time... and that wasn't a public place... until they moved the truck

I know you're going places, just you gotta do me a favor, try not to get there too fast. I'd be lying if I didn't say I wish you were my assistant for the net twenty years. But don't worry, I know in twenty years I'll probably be your assistant

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.