Kono: You're a cop! You're supposed to tell the truth!
Chin: Sometimes things aren't so simple, Kono!

You know there might be a few other things I can teach ya, but I think you have the whole ass kicking thing down.

Some guys, they're just born without a fear gene.

Kono: This room alone is bigger than my apparment.
Chin: The trunk of my car is bigger than your appartement.
Kono: Thanks for reminding me.

Chin: You know what they say about consequences?
Danno: No. I don't.
Chin: They take a lot of planning.

Chin: Hey, you're not psychic. You can't read people's minds.
Kono: I should have know he was lying.
Chin: That comes with time and experience, Kono. We all make mistakes. You gotta learn to live with that 'cos that's part of the job.

McGarrett: What about our John Doe?
Danno: You mean Jack?
McGarrett: You got an I.D.?
Danno: No...His head was in a box. Jack...
Chin: That just ain't right, bro.
Danno: Too soon?

Chin: Listen, I hope you know that everything I did was to protect you.
Malia: I didn't want your protection, Chin. I wanted- When it was over between us everyone thought I was the one who left you. That really hurt.

Kono: You ever wish you chose another line of work?
Chin: Everyday... Never.

Chin: You did pass the H.P.D. Test for pursuit driving, right?
Kono: What test?

Chin: You two of those in Hesse and it didn't kill him?
Danno: Next time shoot him in the face.

Guy's a cockroach. That's what they do. They come back from the dead. Next time you step on him don't take your foot off.

Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

Danny: We shouldn't be doing this without backup.
Steve: You are the backup.
Danny: I am the backup. I hate him so much.

McGarrett: Tell me you know how to swim.
Danny: I know how to swim. I swim for survival, not for fun.