Samantha: That is one fine looking man, I would like to get me some of that.
Charlotte: Don't talk like that.
Samantha: Like what?
Charlotte: You know.
Samantha: Oh, relax, with the nicher glibly reaction, that wasn't black talk, that was sex talk.
Charlotte: First, of all, it isn't black talk, it's African American talk, and you should'nt be talking like that at all Samantha, it's rude and politically incorrect.
Carrie: Sweetie, a reminder, Samantha is rude and politically incorrect.
Miranda: She's an equal opportunity offender.
Samantha: Precisely, I don't see colour, I see conquest.

Charlotte: Maybe, we could work on it, practice makes perfect.
Samantha: No, no, no, dump him, a bad kisser is non-negotiable.

Charlotte: You'd dump a guy because of a bad kiss?
Samantha: Honey, you have too. I mean, if their tongue's just gonna lay there, what do you think their dick's gonna do?
Carrie: Point taken.

Charlotte: He has these sweet little lips, I thought he would be a good kisser.
Carrie: You see that's the scary thing, you can never tell, they look totally normal.
Miranda: Until their pointy tongue is darting in and out of your mouth.
Carrie: Oh, the stabby little pointy tongue, that is the worst of the worst.
Samantha: No, what's worse, is when they expect you to do all the work, and their tongue just lays there in your mouth like a clam.
Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte: Ewwwww!!
Carrie: Clam mouth, that's the worst!
Samantha: At that point, I say get that thing out of my mouth, put it in a cab and take its lazy ass home.

Samantha: You know I think it's great. He's open to all sexual experiences. He's evolved. He's hot.
Miranda: He's not hot. It's greedy. he's double dipping.
Samantha: You're not marrying the guy. You're making out with him. Enjoy it and don't worry about the label.
Charlotte: I'm very into labels; gay, straight, pick a side and stay there.

Miranda: Well, I'm gonna drag myself home. You wanna share a cab?
Carrie: No, I'm meeting Sean.
Charlotte: Oh, the young guy?
Carrie: He's not that young.
Miranda: Carrie, he's twenty six. His generation is a totally different letter than ours.
Carrie: Oh, who cares, age is an illusion.

Carrie: You know I did the date the bi-sexual guy thing in college, but in the end they all ended up with men.
Samantha: So, did the bi-sexual women.
Charlotte: Which explains why there are no available men left for us.

Charlotte: I don't have a goody drawer.
Carrie: Oh, everybody has a goody drawer.
Samantha: I have a goody closet.

Carrie: I just can't believe she opened your goody drawer. I mean, everyone knows the night stand is private.
Charlotte: What do you have in there?
Miranda: You know the usual, condoms, vibrator....
Carrie: Massage oils, cigarettes.

Charlotte: Well at least you have a boyfriend.
Miranda: That doesn't mean I'm getting married, it means I'm getting laid.

Carrie: You know who those women marry? The Roman numeral guys.
Charlotte: (reading from the paper) Charles Duffy Anderson IV.
Carrie: Ding-ding-ding!
Samantha: I find the higher the number the worse the sex. I went out with somebody III who couldn't even get it up.
Miranda: Imagine how bad Henry VIII must have been.
Carrie: Yeah, you give him head, he cuts yours off!

I love that, one woman's trash is another woman's treasure.

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.