An unhappy wife is a wine merchant's best friend.

If you ever call me sister again ill have you strangled in your sleep.

The gods have no mercy, that's why they're gods.

Tears aren't a woman's only weapon. The best one's between your legs.

Power is power.

You disappoint me child. We've told you of your father's treason. Why would you want to speak to a traitor?

Cersei: Targareyans wed brothers and sisters for 300 years to keep the bloodline pure. Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We shared a womb. We came into this world together, we belong together.
Ned: My son saw you with him.
Cersei: Do you love your children?
Ned: With all my heart.
Cersei: As do I.
Ned: And they're all Jaime's.
Cersei: Thank the Gods for that.

He attacked one of my brothers and abducted the other. I should wear the armor, and you the gown.

King Robert: Sometimes I don't know what holds it together.
Cersei: Our marriage.
King Robert: So, here we sit, 17 years later, holding it all together.
Don't you get tired?
Cersei: Every day.
King Robert: How long can hate hold a thing together?
Cersei: Well, 17 years is quite a long time.

Cersei: I'm sorry your marriage to Ned Stark didn't work out. You seemed so good together.
King Robert: I'm glad I could do something to make you happy.

Cersei: How could you be so stupid?
Jaime: Calm down.
Cersei: He's a child. Ten years old. What were you thinking?
Jaime: I was thinking of us. You're a bit late to start complaining about it now. What has the boy told them?
Cersei: Nothing. He's said nothing, he remembers nothing.
Jaime: Then what are you raving about?
Cersei: What if it comes back to him, he tells his father what happened.
Jaime: We'll say he was lying, we'll say he was dreaming, we'll say whatever we want to say. I think we can outfox a ten year old.

Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


I’m going to kill the queen.
