Ryan: 250 items? Why can't we just order barbecue and wing it.
Cate: You just said order barbecue and wing it.

I can't believe it - I've never been so happy to see a bong lamp.

Ahhahah - Kinda a catch 22 right there.

I'm the star of the show - I've got pull.

Cate: You're wearing a shirt that says Tap that.
Baze: You're wearing a small garden on your wrist.

Being back on this gym actually makes my boob hurt.

I made my bed, and now I have to lie about it - awesome.

Sleeping with Baze again was the biggest mistake of my life.

Whatever you need, I am here.

That's what breakups do - they confuse things and make you doubt yourself worth.

Life gives you lemons, you make skankade.

Breakups turn us all into 14 year old girls in the 80s.

Life Unexpected Quotes

My dad said to do what I love and I love to drink for free.


You both can't be parents, you both need parents!
