Wanting things to work and actually making things work are two very different things.

Hodgins: I found fresh duck feces on the tread of the victim's shoe.
Cam: I trust you're telling me this for a reason other than to make me say yuck.

Cam: Dr. Hodgins would you like a hand?
Hodgins: No, but I could use a new pair of legs.

Cam: The last time I saw or spoke to Arastoo was the night he quit. That was months ago, Dr. Hodgins.
Hodgins: And yet the minute he heard what happened he dropped everything to come rushing down here. It's obvious Arastoo still cares about you.
Cam: And I still care about him but right now I care more about catching a cop killer.

I don't work for you. I don't answer to you and until I see a court order saying I have to share information with you I am going to have to ask you to leave the building.

Why is it that every happy couple I know treats me like I'm broken now that I'm not in a relationship?

Thank God for handlebar mustaches, is something I never thought I'd say.

Cam: So you're saying you have faith.
Brennan: I'm saying I can't imagine a world where Booth doesn't come home.

Hodgins: You came to tell me something?
Cam: Ah, yes. We have to dig remains out of an industrial shredder.
Hodgins: Oh, good. I thought it was going to be something bad.

So, a beautiful, black woman in her early thirties. Anyone seen Beyonce recently?

Hodgins: He didn't make it to thirty?
Cam: Yeah, but he made it to happy. And that's pretty impressive, isn't it?

Hodgins: You alright there, Dr. B.? You look like something's bothering you.
Cam: Which is reasonable considering she's about to stick her hands in body stew.

Bones Quotes

Wendell Bray: (running up with a bone in his hands) Dead guy's hyoid.
Bones: Guy as in sexually non-specific urban colloquialism or in the reference to the gender normally associated with a penis, Mr. Bray?
Wendell Bray: Um ... penis?

Booth: You don't think that I'm a lousy dad for not sending my son to private school?
Sweets: No. But you'd be a lousy father if you didn't torture yourself about it.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones