Bonnie: I just hope you know I appreciate how hard you fought to get back to me.
Enzo: It's what I do. It's what I'll always do.

I'd be honored to be your maid of honor...and not just because my main competition is in a coma until I die.

Caroline: You snuck into my house and found my old wedding book?
Bonnie: How else was I going to out-Caroline Forbes Caroline Forbes?

Bonnie: I can't lose you again.
Enzo: You never lost me, Bonnie Bennett.

Stefan: Please don't give up.
Bonnie: Of course. But please don't ask me to have hope. Hope hurts, and I don't want to hurt anymore.

Bonnie: If you think this means you’re forgiven…
Damon: I am SO forgiven!

Enzo: I need you to think about me.
Bonnie: No.

I have always wanted to be loved by someone in the way that you loved me. And I would rather have these memories than a future where I destroy them.

So I’m gonna die? Is that what you’re trying to tell me? Because I’ve done it once or twice before and it’s not all that fun.

Are we friends? I know why you wanted to do this in a letter. So you could desiccate in peace imagining whatever reaction you wanted. Me reading it and thinking “huh, I’m really gonna miss him.” Well too bad. That’s not my reaction. This is. I'm not okay with this decision. I’m not okay with you choosing yourself. And I’m not okay with never seeing you, my best friend, ever again. This hurts me. This hurts.

I need a drink. And a buddy. And right now you are my only buddy available to drink. I’m overlooking the fact that you nearly killed me the last time we hung out.

What’d you do? Couldn’t be worse than whatever was wearing that jean skirt.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Memories are too important.

Elena, don't go to the bridge. It's Death, Elena. Your death is waiting there.
