Barry: Aaagh! For real? Why did you slap me?
Caitlin: Because you were unconscious!
Barry: Smelling salts work just as well.

Barry: I was just on the phone with Iris! Why didn't you call her? Hold on.
Not-Eddie: [knocks Barry out] I have no idea who she is.

Cisco: I've been having these dreams. Mostly at night, but sometimes during the day. But they don't really feel like dreams. They feel real.
Barry: What happens in the dream?
Cisco: Dr. Wells is the Reverse Flash and...he kills me.

Oh thank God. It's the food! The food's here!!

Felicity: What is wrong with you? Is everyone in Central City in a bad mood? I thought Central City was supposed to be the fun one!
Eddie: It's not...
Barry: Felicity knows.
Eddie: Wow. So everyone but Iris.
Barry: Feels that way.

Harrison: Your father's an extraordinary man. You're lucky to have him.
Barry: I'm lucky to have you, too.

Henry: You gotta tell me. What does it feel like when you're running down the street like a bat out of hell?
Barry: There's no feeling like it.

Joe: I don't know why he's helping us. All that matters is that he is.
Barry: I can't lose my dad, Joe. [breaks down in tears]

Do you think he wanted me to become The Flash?

Barry: I think that you were right about Harrison Wells.
Joe: Which part?
Barry: All of it.

Barry: I don't understand. I thought that I was helping people by stopping Mardon.
Harrison: Yes, but this new ability of yours, Barry, is dangerous and you only traveled back in time one time. What if you traveled back in time decades, centuries? Imagine the havoc you could wreak.
Barry: But I will have the opportunity to travel back in time in the near future to save my mom. Are you saying I shouldn't?
Harrison: I'm saying how many more people could die if your mother lives.

Harrison: No! Do not tell me. I do not want to know anything about the future you experienced. Nothing.
Barry: Dr. Wells...
Harrison: Barry, time is an extremely fragile construct. Any deviation, no matter how small, could result in a cataclysm.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
