Avery: You're sick, Juliette, and you need help. I'm begging you, see a doctor, get treatment. Please.
Juliette: Treatment? Like at a hospital? No. No, I can't. I can't. I have to go out on tour. God, Avery, you just don't get it. I need this. I need this.
Avery: More than you need us?

Avery: Juliette, you just got home. You don't have two minutes to hold your baby?
Juliette: I don't have time for that today. I don't.
Avery: "That" has a name!

Juliette: What if I become irrelevant at 25?
Avery: That's not possible. You will always be the unforgettable Juliette Barnes.

Avery: I am trying to meet you halfway, but you can't even see that because you're so wrapped up in yourself.
Juliette: What are you talking about?
Avery: You picked a fight with a complete stranger because you didn't get a chance to sing.
Juliette: She was so out of line.
Avery: No, Juliette. You were. And it scares me that you don't know that. Tonight was about music in schools, not a Juliette Barnes comeback. Honestly, what the hell is wrong with you?

Juliette: Avery, thank God you're here!
Avery: I'm here! The only place in the world I want to be is here, with my two girls.

Juliette: The photographer sent over some highlights from the shoot. You wanna see?
Avery: Absolutely. Let's take a look.
Juliette: They [the pictures] don't bother you, do they?
Avery: Not at all. Now the world can see you the way I do. They're beautiful.

Avery: Photoshoot?
Juliette: I thought about what you said, and I rescheduled. I mean it is Vogue.
Avery: I'm sorry it's kind of hard to hear. Are you saying I was right?
Juliette: Okay, bye. Have a great day.

There's no doubt in my mind that having this baby is just going to give you [Juliette] more to say.

Avery: You've barely made room for any of my stuff.
Juliette: I cleared out three shelves for you in my closet.
Avery: Three shelves. Juliette, it's a 400-square foot closet. Look, we're married now. That means this needs to be our house with our things.
Juliette: It is!
Avery: Well me and my three shelves are feeling a lot like guests right now.

Avery: What are we gonna tell her... about us?
Juliette: We'll tell her she came from a place of love, and her parents became great friends.

Here's the thing, we're not gonna be just like them. I'm not my father, and you're not your mother. Okay? We're us, and we got this.

I'm gonna love my child, unconditionally. No matter how many choices he or she makes I don't understand.

Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?