Aiden: Emily will win.
Victoria: Loyal to the bitter end. It's a beautiful sentiment and an even better epitaph. Goodbye, Mr. Mathis.

Ross, if you're quite finished playing 'who's got the bigger hard drive' I have an update for you both.

Aiden: You're not going to leave this, are you?
Emily: Have I ever?
Aiden: No.

Emily: You're the only person who knew how to save me. I'm not sure I deserve it.
Aiden: You do.

  • Permalink: You do.
  • Added:

[to Emily] And just so you know, I never needed any of those things. I just needed you.

Aiden: What do you think she wants this time?
Nolan: What every pretty blonde who comes to the Hamptons wants--Revenge.

Emily: Everything's off balance.
Aiden: That's because you're caught between two worlds, Emily.

Aiden: Do you love him?
Emily: Are you serious?
Aiden: I need to know, Emily, because I didn't just come here to take down the Graysons. I came because of you, and I will not be made a fool of.

[to Jack] You know, I've heard a lot about you, mostly that you're a good man. But you've made an enemy with a very bad one.


Aiden: You really think that Grayson's going to turn himself in?
Emily: For once I have faith.

I hope you get what you're looking for, Amanda. No one deserves it more than you. Goodbye.

[to Nolan] You've been an unexpected friend.

Revenge Quotes

Two wrongs can never make a right because two wrongs can never equal each other.


Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
