Gabe: Catherine. J.T. found Vincent. He couldn't get in touch with you so he sent it to me.
Cat: Sent what to you?

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Beauty and the Beast Season 2 Episode 1: "Who Am I?"
Beauty and the Beast
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Beauty and the Beast Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Oh, hey, Cat, how's it going at 5 a.m.?


Cat: Bright side: In the meantime, we get to fall in love with each other all over again.
Vincent: What makes you so sure we will?
Cat: Cause we don't have a choice. I told you - we're meant to be.
Vincent: You really believe that, don't you?
Cat: I do. And you do, too. You just don't remember it yet.

Beauty and the Beast Season 2 Episode 1 Music

  Song Artist
Lights Wanderhouse iTunes
Song Just Another Bossa The Thom Rotella Quartet
I Can't Make You Love Me Dave Thomas Junior iTunes