Harriet: Like me, he had been known by many names. The most fitting I can see is Captain Brown. I have no doubt that you've heard of him and his exploits as a friend to the cause.
Crowd Member 1: He's no friend. He's a murderer!
Lucas: The captain is the future of this fight.
Crowd Member 2: Mr. Brown and his methods are too extreme.
Lucas: His methods get results.
Crowd Member: His methods give us all a bad name.
Elizabeth: Can everyone stop! We're here to hear Harriet speak. So let her speak.

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Underground Season 2 Episode 6: "Minty"
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Underground Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

To tell you how I came to be free, first you gotta understand what bondage was like for me. How it attacks the senses. The sound of it. the crack of a whip like thunder. The feel of it...like you could barely take a full breath. The taste of it, like all your teeth, are made of copper. the smell of it. The fade in stench of everybody sold away; and the look of it, every eye turned down to the ground away from the horror.


The first thing I knew, was to be afraid of white men.
