Julius: What the hell is going on gentleman. Where did you find him?
Judicial marshal #1: At his country club Ridgemore.
Julius: What happened next?
Judicial marshal #2: Mr. Nugent was on the 11th tee. We told him we were there to escort him back to court. Mr. Nugent informed us he was on track to shoot below 85. Apparently that’s an excellent score for his handicap.
Julius: How? You know what, just go. Leave.

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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 2: "The Gang Tries to Serve a Subpoena"
The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Firth: So what do you want to do now Diane?
Diane: Get back to work.
Firth: What work?
Diane: My clients, my old cases. My partners picked up the slack while I was recovering, but now I’m back.
Firth: Ever heard of Ryōkan, the Zen master?
Diane: No.
Firth: He lived a simple life in a hut at the foot of a hill. One evening a thief broke in only to discover there was nothing to steal. Ryōkan surrendered his clothes to him as a gift. After the thief ran away Ryōkan was left sitting naked watching the moon. And he thought, ‘Poor fellow. I wish I could him this beautiful moon.’
Diane: I don’t think I understand.

Liz: Oh, you’re being summoned.
Diane: Is that a bad thing?
Adrian: If it’s Mr. Laurie, no. If it’s Mr. Firth, maybe.