Evan: Good job. Mariana, can you stay? Angela, Josh you too. I'm confused about something. Mariana, you appear to be very motivated, so when I agreed to hear your new app pitch, why didn't you follow up?
Mariana: Well, um, Angela was correct to point out that I should be more respectful of your time.
Evan: Who told you to point that out?
Angela: I, uh, was told to give Mariana a heads up to protocol by Josh.
Evan: I see.
Josh: OK, look, if every employee wanted to pitch an app got a meeting that's all you'd do.
Evan: That's my call! This is my company. Mariana, my assistant will set up an appointment with you next week I will hear your pitch.
Mariana: OK, thank you.
Evan: Angela, do not admonish employees who want access to me, and Josh, I've decided to pitch the app myself.

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Good Trouble Season 1 Episode 11: "Less Than"
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Good Trouble Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

They managed to find cause to excuse six black jurors and then they used one of their peremptory strikes against the one black juror they couldn't find cause to excuse. I don't see why Jamal's attorney didn't raise a Batson Challenge.


Libby: Well I'm glad we can do this; my husband is quite fond of Callie.
Mariana: I highly doubt that.