Toby: And the winner is Toby Flenderson!
Kelly: Have a seat, I'll write it down.
Toby: Where are we?
Kelly: I dunno, like 5 kilometers from the office.
Toby: He couldn't have made it a circle?

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Kelly Kapoor, Toby Flenderson
The Office Season 4 Episode 1: "Fun Run"
The Office
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Kelly Kapoor Quotes, Toby Flenderson Quotes, The Office Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes, The Office Quotes
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The Office Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

This is going to be a very good year. Very good. Jan is at home. Jim is back. My protege Ryan is at corporate. Good stuff. Um ... Andy and Dwight are rockin' the sales team. I feel very blessed. [slams Meredith with the car]


Okay, well I did not get the job in New York, but I got the real prize, domestic bliss. Jan made me breakfast this morning... well she bought the milk. It's soy. [walks into bedroom, Jan sleeping on bed] This is why I do it, that's what I have to come home to. [sighs] She probably won't be up for a few hours.
