Stamets: The tardigrade DNA that fused with my DNA was from a species that is long extinct. I've tried to replicate it but it's been corrupted. You'll probably have to kill me to extract it.
Orelio: Mr. Stamets, I can assure you, we have other methods now.
Stamets: And, if those methods don't work?
Orelio: Ah. We will grow the tardigrade cells. Fidelity is always the issue with replication. Growth marries the fidelity of a copy with the vitality of new beginnings.

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Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 12: "There is a Tide..."
Star Trek: Discovery
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

To think the Federation would hoard their technology, but you would free us all of the yoke of dilithium. The galaxy is a much better place with you in it, Osyraa.

Invigilator Orelio

Tilly: I have the con.
Zareh: Oh, you have the con. Well, I must say, I'm impressed. You've done a bang-up job. It took us all of twelve minutes to capture your ship and crew. I'm sure under lesser leadership, it would've been ten.