Who is the Most Underutilized Character of 2014?

Who is the Most Underutilized Character of 2014?

What Was The Best Plot Twist of 2014?

What was the best plot twist of 2014?

The Best of 2014: Villains!

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Best Buddies of 2014

Best Buddies of 2014

What's the biggest surprise of the Sleepy Hollow finale?

What's the biggest surprise of the Sleepy Hollow finale?

How hot was Ichabod in his skinny jeans?

How Hot was Ichabod in his skinny jeans?

Sleepy Hollow Quotes

Abbie: Who is he? When's the last time you saw him?
Ichabod: When I cut off his head.

Police Detective: Do you admit to cutting off his head, yes or no?
Ichabod: Nooo. First I shot him, then he rose back up. Cutting off his head seemed the next logical step.