Patrick Dempsey, Michelle Monaghan

Patrick Dempsey and Michelle Monaghan promote Made of Honor in Spain. The romantic comedy has been doing well at the box office.

Patrick Dempsey in Made of Honor

Grey's Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey promotes Made of Honor in Germany. His new romantic comedy has established him as a movie star yet again!

Sexiest TV Star

Can you argue with that? Patrick Dempsey is the sexiest TV star - and perhaps the sexiest star period - that we've ever seen.

Dempsey at the Premiere

Patrick Dempsey has opened up about his marriage many times in the past, which is always welcomed by us. We absolutely love Patrick and Jillian.

Patrick in Parade

Patrick Dempsey on the cover of Parade Magazine, April 2008 style. Grey's Anatomy is back and its leading man is bigger and better than ever!

A Handsome Devil

That's Patrick Dempsey for you. Do you disagree? We did not think that you would. You never know with these things but we were fairly confident.

The Great Patrick Dempsey

Patrick Dempsey is too humble to call himself great - but we're gonna go there! The Grey's Anatomy star has made the show what it is - and we love him for every second of it.

Patrick and Jillian Dempsey Picture

A picture of Patrick Dempsey and wife Jillian Dempsey at the premiere of his new movie, Made of Honor. They are so cute.

Patrick and Jillian Dempsey Photo

Patrick and Jillian Dempsey are so cute together. We think they are just the best celebrity couple - very down-to-earth and not enamored by fame. Plus Grey's Anatomy wouldn't be Grey's Anatomy without Patrick Dempsey.

Made of Hotness

Patrick Dempsey, seen here at the Made of Honor premiere, is made of hotness if you ask us. We're guessing the Grey's Anatomy fan community has no arguments.

The Road Warrior

Patrick Dempsey takes a break from riding hard. His bike, that is. He admitted he has taken a ribbing for his spandex usage in the past, but that doesn't seem to deter him.


Okay, so P-Demps doesn't really work for a man this hot ... but you know, it's okay. Patrick Dempsey is still a good guy. With a great career and a great on-set gal in Ellen Pompeo.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
