A Moment of Group Disbelief

Everyone turns to stare as they realize Allison (Ally Sheedy) is building a weird sandwich behind them in this classic The Breakfast Club moment.

Claire Eats a Strange Lunch

Before sushi was mainstream, Claire (Molly Ringwald) did her part to popularize eating it in this classic The Breakfast Club scene, to the disgust of the others.

Everyone Forgets Sam's Birthday

In this classic 16 Candles scene, Sam (Molly Ringwald) is clutching her books at the foot of the stairs when she discovers that everyone has forgotten her birthday.

The Geek Hits on Samantha

The Geek (Anthony Michael Hall) hits on Samantha (Molly Ringwald) on the bus in this classic scene from the John Hughes film 16 Candles, much to Samatha's distaste.

Blane and Andie at the Party

Blane (Andrew McCarthy) and Andie (Molly Ringwald) take heat from Blane's friends at a party because Andie isn't as rich as they are in this scene from Pretty in Pink.

Molly Ringwald Gives a Radiant Smile

Molly Ringwald gives a radiant smile as Andie in the classic John Hughes film Pretty in Pink as she dreams of dating rich kid Blane (Andrew McCarthy).

Young Molly Ringwald Looking Upset

In this scene from the 2024 documentary Brats, directed by Andrew McCarthy, a young Molly Ringwald appears to be upset about being in the Brat Pack.

Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald, and Judd Nelson Mugging For the Camera in the 1980s

In an image from the 2024 Andrew McCarthy-directed documentary Brats, Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald, and Judd Nelson are shown mugging for the camera back in the 1980s.

Molly Ringwald Quotes

Mary: Archie, yesterday was without a doubt the strangest Thanksgiving I have ever had. I mean, I pointed a gun at a woman!
Archie: Welcome to Riverdale, Mom.

Listen, if you hurt my boy, you and I are gonna have some serious trouble, Ms. Femme Fatale.
