The Craft - Riverdale Season 6 Episode 6

The Blossoms have dabbled with paranormal and supernatural entities in the past. Magic and curses fall right in line with their style.

Classic Outfits - Riverdale Season 6 Episode 5

The Archie Comics have invaded Rivervale. Why is everyone dressed up as their comic book counterpart?

Bangs - Riverdale Season 6 Episode 4

Cheryl Blossom is coming to slay with her sharp bangs. Not since Gale Weathers from Scream have bangs made such a statement.

Chilling Crossover - Riverdale Season 6 Episode 4

Are you ready for the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina/Riverdale crossover? This is a moment that took years in the making.

Witches Unite - Riverdale Season 6 Episode 4

Cheryl Blossom and Sabrina Spellman are two powerful witches with a knack for spells and spiritual work.

Surprise Visitor - Riverdale Season 6 Episode 4

Someone has arrived to Thornhill in full red robe realness. It's our favorite witch from across the river.

Magical Ritual - Riverdale Season 6 Episode 2

Cheryl, Nana Blossom, Toni, and Betty look to be channeling their next supernatural ritual. What has brought on this spell?

Thornill Separation - Riverdale Season 6 Episode 1

Cheryl Blossom and the residents of Thornhill have separated themselves from the nearby town. How will that affect their relationships?

Town Celebrations - Riverdale Season 6 Episode 1

The town looks to be in high spirits. Something has brought everyone out for fun times and celebrations.

Brita - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 19

Toni has used her position as a guidance counselor to help Brita find a warm and loving home. Could this be a fresh start for her?

Fierce Post - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 19

Cheryl Blossom doesn't just walk into a room. She makes a grand pose to make her presence known for all those inside.

A Shepherd With No Flock - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 19

All of the followers at Cheryl's ministry have abandoned her. She might have the magic, but not the group to follow.

Madelaine Petsch Quotes

Betty: Why are you asking me so many questions about Polly? Cheryl?!
Cheryl: Because, you dumb cow, someone shot my brother and I think it was your crazy tweaked-out sister.

Kevin: Is cheerleading still a thing?
Cheryl: Is being the gay best friend still a thing?!