The New Mayor - Riverdale

With the mayor's spot open in Riverdale, Fred Andrews considers running and taking over the role.

Will Fred Survive? - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 1

Fred is badly wounded and bleeding heavily after being shot at Pop Tate's. Could this bullet be a fatal shot?

Cry For Help - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 1

The fate of Fred and Archie are revealed: Fred's been shot and Archie is pushing for survival. Archie is calling out for help for someone to help save his dad.

The Andrews Charm - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 13

Archie seems too excited to see his dad at Pop Tate's. Why does he look relieved? And why is his hand bandaged?

Cup of Warmth - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 13

Pop Tate's Chock'lit Shoppe is known for their milkshakes, but we can't forget their warm treats and surprises too. Hermione has given Fred an offer that he can't refuse. But what could it be?

Sweetheart Secrets - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 11

Fred and Hermione have a few secrets still looming between the two of them. A night at Riverdale High's Homecoming and Reunion might help to take their minds of their worries.

Divorce Dilemma - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 11

The Andrews have a lot to work out when it comes to their divorce. Will a night at Riverdale High's Homecoming and Reunion change their future?

Reunited, But Does It Feel Good? - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 11

Fred and Mary are sharing a tender moment together on the dance floor. Don't they look cute? Though, looks can be deceiving in this (potential) reconciliation.

Mature Love Triangles - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 11

Uh oh! This moment could turn out so uncomfortable. Fred is not only standing with his estranged wife, but he's with his former flame Hermione Lodge. Let's hope Mary is a forgiving person.

Reunion Couple - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 11

Fred and Mary Andrews are back together again for the celebration at Riverdale High. Will sparks fly between this separated couple?

Heartache City - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 10

Fred Andrews has kept his composure ever since he and his wife separated. He's tried to keep things in check, but now that his wife has returned, will all the emotions start coming back?

The Andrews Reunited - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 10

Archie's parents are back together again for the first time in a long while. Is this good news or is it the last goodbye?

Luke Perry Quotes

Mr. Andrews: I need you to tell me the truth about something. I know my son has passion for music, but does he have talent? See, I want to be supportive but as a parent, it's really hard to watch your kid chase a dream they may never catch when real opportunities are passing them by.
Ms. Grundy: Mr. Andrews, Archie...he has talent. Unquestionably. I'm not gonna lie to you, he is coming to it late and he's got a lot of catching up to do. And there's an entire world of competition out there.
Mr. Andrews: Will he be able to make a living at it?
Ms. Grundy: It'd be a shame if he didn't at least try.

Fred: Was it close at least?
Hermione: Very. Less than 200 hundred votes.
Sierra: So what? You came to gloat?
Hermione: No, Sierra, I came to tell Fred that he ran a great campaign.
[She offers her hand and they shake hands]