Jughead's Motorcycle - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 1

To get around town, Jughead is riding in a cool motorcycle. His first passenger is going to be his girlfriend Betty.

Walking Home - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Jughead and Betty spend some quality time together walking home ... and holding hands too.

Don't Let Go - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Betty is falling apart with her family's latest drama. Jughead doesn't want her to give up and fall into dispair.

I Love You, Betty Cooper - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 13

Jughead is taking the relationship to the next step: He has told Betty that he loves her. Luckily, she loves him too.

Reaching Out - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Jughead is feeling comfortable with Betty in public. He places his arm around his secret girlfriend.

Burst Through The Doors - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 17

Chic has caused trouble yet again! Luckily, Jughead and the Southside Serpents were around in town to save the day.

You're An Enigma - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 6

Bughead is back together! Jughead loves his "enigma" so much that he and Betty are reuniting and working on their relationship.

Archie Comics Vision - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

Jughead's latest hallucination is very 1950s. He pictures the idyllic world of being married to Betty.

The Darkness - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 10

Betty's darkness is no longer a secret from her boyfriend. She's coming clean to Jughead about her secret side.

Rainfall Kiss - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 1

Things are going to hell in Riverdale. Fred has been shot and the attacker is missing. But, in the bright spot, Betty is nearby to support her friends and Jughead.

Serpent Queen - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 22

As the newly announced leader of the Southside Serpents, Jughead wants Betty to be his queen and lead the group too.

Moving in - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 16

To get away from her psychotic brother Chic, Betty is moving in with her boyfriend Jughead for safety.

Lili Reinhart Quotes

Betty: I'm not gonna ask what you did with Veronica at Cheryl's. I'm asking you now, right now, if you love me, Archie, or even like me?
Archie: Of course I love you, Betty. But I can't give you the answer you want.
Betty: Why?
Archie: You are so perfect. I've never been good enough for you. I'll never be good enough for you.

Kevin: Oh my God!
Betty: What?
Kevin: Game changer - Archie got hot! He's got abs now. Six more reasons for you to take that ginger bull by the horns tonight.